nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: Buta allwasnotwell i the. landsbelow, Saric'ssons: and daughters: set: to quarreligs amongst themselves over the distribution of. Zari and the Seven Isles. Greatwars broke out as the thildren of: Sairc tought.twasalong andbxutal tme, lasting twentyyears. Themost powetul son,Falidor, was crowned Emperor of2 Zarma andeach of the: seven 1sleswas clammed bys another: of Sancschildren.Sandea and Sardor disappeared, off to some mysterious comex of theworld to pursue theirmagicks. Rumors abounded of evalmagicianswho had traied under them terronzingsmall communities. Only IAladteypancsyunget daughter, ...